Sale Reports

2019 Woolumbool Ram Sale

Studs battle for Woolumbool’s best

A HIGH-INDEXING Poll Dorset ram ignited a bidding war at Woolumbool stud’s on-property auction on Wednesday last week, helping the Clothier family achieve a sale record top price of $13,500.

Woolumbool 2016 Ram Sale

Measurement lifts results at Woolumbool

REPEAT commercial clients, many sitting in their usual seats, along with a few new buyers produced a wonderful result at Woolumbool’s 29th annual on-property Poll Dorset and White Suffolk ram sale near Lucindale, on Wednesday last week.

2015 Woolumbool Ram Sale

Figures entice Woolumbool buyers

COMPARED to last year, Woolumbool sold an extra 28 rams and lifted its average by 29 per cent to $1289 at its annual sale on Wednesday.

Four elite Poll Dorset rams were first up and sold to a top of $2000 to Toland Pastoral’s Feltrum Poll Dorset stud at Violet Town, Vic.

2013 Woolumbool Ram Sale

Woolumbool bids strong

THE stands were nearly back to having the ‘fully occupied’ sign at the 26th annual Woolumbool Poll Dorset and White Suffolk sale on October 2.

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